Stop Winging It & Make a Game Plan

Protein Power Ball
2 min readMar 19, 2021

Being a planner is not something that comes naturally to me, and for most of my life that was just fine. I was able to get by waiting until the last minute to deal with whatever came up. Whether it was school, work, projects, meals, workouts (you name it) my mentality was always “let’s see what the day brings and go from there.” You know, “winging it.”

The problem is, you can have the BEST intentions to get all this stuff done but then inevitably something pops up and derails your day. The truth is, if you don’t have a well thought out plan that allows you to accomplish what’s important, you will never get ahead.

How Winging It Can Be Harmful

  1. The ebb and flow of productivity when you’re just “winging it” leads to HIGHS and LOWS. This can be extremely draining, and leave you with zero motivation if you didn’t get to accomplish what you set out to do.
  2. You spend most days being REACTIVE rather than PROACTIVE. There will be days where you feel like all you’re doing is damage control, but the majority of your days each week should be focused on proactive action. Keep moving forward and taking the necessary steps to chip away at your goals.
  3. This last one is a little more subtle, but the most harmful. Not having a plan can create a bad habit of shifting accountability from YOU to anything external that popped up and derailed your day. “I couldn’t workout because of X, Y, and Z.” If it’s something that’s important enough, YOU will find a way to do it.

What is one thing you accomplished this week?! Let us know below!

Stay focused,

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Protein Power Ball

Plant based, GF, DF, SF protein balls because when you eat good, you feel good.